Sunday, December 7, 2014

6.1 From Analog to the Digital Age


  •  Computers use digital signals--0s and 1s, off and on.
  •  All the data that a computer processes is a series of 0s and 1s.
  •  Each signal is a bit.


  •  But most phenomena in life are analog.
  •  Analog signals use wave variations, continuously changing.
  •  Sound, light, and temperature are analog forms.
  •  Traditional TV and radio use analog signals.
  •  Humans' vision operates in analog mode.

But analog data can be converted into digital form. Even though digital data is not as exact as analog data, it is easier to manipulate.

  • For data transmission over telephone lines and cables, modems are needed to convert analog data into digital data that computers can use.
  • Modem is short for modulate/demodulate. Modems modulate (convert) a computer's digital data to analog data, transmit it, then demodulate (reconvert) it back to digital data for the receiving computer.
  • Modems can convert data by modulating either a analog wave's amplitude or its frequency.

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